FBC Lexington - Love God - Love People - Be a Servant

Service Times

Sunday School - 9 AM

Sunday Worship - 10 AM

Sunday Evening - 6 PM

Wednesday - 6:30 PM

  • AWANA Children's Program

  • Level Ground Youth Ministry

  • Prayer & Bible Study


Hello, and thank you for visiting Lexington FBC. We hope you enjoy your visit and we look forward to meeting you in person very soon.

​First Baptist Church of Lexington believes in reaching out to all whom God allows us to minister. So, if spiritually you are an orphan without a family and a Heavenly Father, or if you are a prodigal who has left your Father's house and gotten far away from God, let me be the first to say, "Welcome Home!"

Bro. Jeff Cruse, Pastor

What''s Happening

March 16th 6 PM Baptism Service & Pizza Fellowship

March 22nd 8 AM Men's Fellowship Breakfast

March 24th - 11 AM
Senior Saints Potluck
Lunch at church

March 30th - 6 PM
Family Game Night

FBC Lexington 301 Taylor Kizer St. Lexington, AL 35648 * (256) 229-6657