FBC Lexington - Love God - Love People - Be a Servant
Service Times
Sunday School - 9 AM
Sunday Worship - 10 AM
Sunday Evening - 6 PM
Wednesday - 6:30 PM
AWANA Children's Program
Level Ground Youth Ministry
Prayer & Bible Study
Hello, and thank you for visiting Lexington FBC. We hope you enjoy your visit and we look forward to meeting you in person very soon.
First Baptist Church of Lexington believes in reaching out to all whom God allows us to minister. So, if spiritually you are an orphan without a family and a Heavenly Father, or if you are a prodigal who has left your Father's house and gotten far away from God, let me be the first to say, "Welcome Home!"
Bro. Jeff Cruse, Pastor
What''s Happening
January 19th 3:30-5:30 PM Clothes Closet Giveaway
February 22nd 5 to 7 PM
Taste of Lexington
Jackson Newton Scholarship Fundraiser @ FBC Lexington
Cost: $10 & Dessert Auction